Simple Guide to Staging Your Closet
Closets are our catch-alls! The spot where we cram everything when friends show up out-of-the-blue; where we literally air our dirty laundry; essentially, the one place we think things are out of sight. We have the best intentions of sorting it out later but out of sight becomes out of mind and now you’re selling your house! Don’t kid yourself by thinking people won’t be opening those doors.
It’s important to show closets organized and spacious so buyers can envision all of their own STUFF packed neatly in. More luxurious walk-in closets may even be a deciding factor for some buyers so make this area count!
Don’t let buyers fall down a rabbit hole when they open your closet doors!
Clear everything so you have a clean slate
Move everything out onto bed, dressers or the floor so you can see the true space that you are working with. Placing all of your clothing or closet contents out will also help you see how much you actually have in there.
Then wipe off all of your shelves and rods where dust and dirt may have accumulated. This step is important because when you put your newly organized closet back together, you will know you’re starting fresh!
Donate or discard
Items in bad shape- holes, stretched, stained, etc. If you want to keep some of these things for yard work or painting, separate from your regular clothing and assign a specific drawer, shelf or basket for these items. Also, keep in mind that you probably need only 1-2 of these outfits, max!
Items that do not fit you- could be too small OR too big. I have been guilty of keeping tops that were too big for me, thinking I would wear them SOME DAY when I am pregnant. The truth is, by the time that happens, they’ll probably be out of style or I’ll simply want to treat myself to some freaking new clothes for myself! Get rid of them!
Items that no longer serve you. Take each item and ask yourself if you’d like it to move forward with you in your future. Is the style suitable? Does it speak to who you want to be moving forward?
Pack away unseasonal items
Place these items into a bin or move to a different area to make space for the items you actually need to use. Some people have the space to keep unseasonal items in the same closet but I still recommend separating them somehow so they don’t get tied up with your daily use items. Either pack them into bins but keep them in the closet or simply throw a garment bag or plastic bag over jackets.
Remove items that don’t belong
Items that don’t belong should be moved to where they do belong. This not only makes space for what’s needed but will make it easier to find these items when you need them. All too often I see office papers, winter jackets or kid’s Halloween costumes in the master walk-in!
Pile like items together
The remaining should be the items that need to be stored in your closet! Piling all jeans, hats, scarves, etc. together gives you a better sense of exactly how much you’re keeping of each and allows you to see how much space you need for each category.
Choose storage containers
Depending on which closet you are organizing, there may already be designated areas for certain things such as shoes or dresses. But sometimes we need to make our own designated areas which you can do using baskets or bins to separate.
Baskets and bins will REALLY increase the visual appeal of a closet! Think about having all of your folded clothes just set in piles on your shelves, versus having baskets with the same clothing inside. If you are working with clothing, you can use a nicer looking wicker basket or fabric container. Where if you are organizing a laundry room or entryway closet, you may want to opt for plastic containers which will be easier to clean and won’t get as easily damaged by spills.
To maximize your shelf space, make sure to measure your shelves to ensure you find baskets or bins that will fit well. Higher baskets may be good for items such as mittens which can easily spill out over the top but a basket that is too high may be difficult to pull out of a higher shelf where there is a door frame in the mix!
Depending on the height of your shelves and contents of the bins, stackable containers may be the way to go. For instance, if you are organizing a crafting or sewing closet where items are lightweight and smaller, this will maximize visibility and access.
Put everything back in place
Hang alike items together and match all of your hangers. If this isn’t feasible, match hangers that are in the same area or on the same rod. It’s amazing the impact this makes!
Try to keep the floor clear unless you need a place for footwear, in which case, place them neatly, facing all shoes the same direction, toes out and heels against a wall or on a shoe rack.
Have some fun with labels or decor items
Labels are especially important if you want to be able to find things quickly or have a family. As much as the kids may want to help out around the house, it’s not really fair for us to expect them to know where mittens or Lego go, if we haven’t clearly spelled it out for them. So literally, S-P-E-L-L it out with labels!
One of my favourite things to do is put finishing touches on walk-in closets! Hanging a small piece of fancy artwork or adding a statement mirror will just make the space shine. You will be so much happier getting dressed… something that most of us do every single day!
Last but not least, add touches of decor using an attractive purse standing up at eye level or nice pair of heels displayed on a decorative box. Think luxurious department store here and imagine how they display items so that they achieve the highest visual appeal.
Enjoy the little things!
Image: Jessie King | Property Stylist
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